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Terms of Use and Policy Page:
Kids Master Skills © 2018. All rights reserved. Content, photos, graphics, videos, print and digital resources on this website have been written or created by Lisa Marnell MS, OTR/L and are copyright of the owener. No portions thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written permission from the author. You may not alter or reuse any content, photos/graphics, videos in any way (print or digital use) without the expressed, written consent of Lisa Marnell. For more information, please refer to our terms or use and policy page.
Information on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician or patient-therapist relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Kids Master Skills LLC and Lisa Marnell make no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.
Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. Kids Master Skills LLC and Lisa Marnell expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEB SITE.

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